SERVICES: Quantitative Novel Gold Deportment

Scope of the study, deliverables and methodology:

  • Bulk Mineralogy including sulphide and Fe-Oxide-mineralogy study.
  • Quantitative modal mineralogy and liberation study of sulphide & Fe-Oxides.
  • Pre-concentration of Composite Head and Tailings for sulphides and visible gold morphology scan that includes size, shape and liberation of gold grains/minerals.
  • Morphological classification of Pyrite grains.
  • Compositional analysis of visible gold, sulphides and TCM.
  • Visible gold scan using Optical microscopy & automated SEM-EDS/MLA Gold Search.
  • Quantification of sub-microscopic solid solution/colloidal gold.
  • Characterization of carbonaceous matters and its preg-robbing properties.
  • Speciation and quantification of surface preg-robbed gold in carbonaceous matters.

In summary, this gold deportment study will establish and quantify all major forms & carriers of gold.

Liberated organic carbonaceous matters (TCM).

TCM with pyrite inclusions (red arrow).

BSE image of liberated carbonaceous matters (TCM).

BSE image of TCM with pyrite inclusions (red circle).

Liberated Native Gold Grains (Au).

Gold inclusions (red circle) within goethite (Goe).

Ultrafine Gold Grains (red lines) along the boundary of steel (St).

Locked gold grains (Au/red circle) within pyrite (Py).

SIMS imaging of sub-microscopic gold distribution in microcrystalline pyrite.

SIMS imaging of sub-microscopic gold distribution in partially Oxidized pyrite grain (pyrite core with outer goethite rim).

BSE imaging/EDS spectra of ultrafine visible gold grains attached/locked to goethite at the boundary of Steel