- Polarization microscopy is routinely applied in mineralogy to identify minerals on the basis of characteristic refraction properties and colors
- Image capture at different magnifications
- Leica stereo and polarization microscopes are reliable, high-quality imaging and analysis tool for Bulk Mineralogy including Fe-Oxides/U-Oxides and Sulphide Mineralogy Studies
- Morphology and Quantitative analysis Organic Carbonaceous Matters (TCM)
- Visible Gold/Silver morphology (size and shape), liberation and quantification
Sample Preparation:
- Super-panner for pre-concentration of sulphides, Fe-Oxides, Gold/Silver phases in feed and tailings
- Duo-Rotap Sieve Shaker for sizing analysis
- Struers Tegramin polishers with automated dosing for lubricant and diamond suspensions for polished mounts preparation